With a fascination in and enthusiasm for functional fitness, Frik has specialized in the intersection between being an athlete and wanting you to be able to play with your kids when you 8O. “The end goal is always to help someone be a better version of themself and to make fitness accessible and enjoyable for everyone”.
Many women abandon their fitness plans when falling pregnant out of fear, but Frik specializes in both the maintenance, adjustment, and reintroduction of a fitness program to pregnant women.
Don’t let Alan’s laid back nature fool you. This man is a top-tier, global competitor who holds multiple qualifications. Besides his athletic prowess, he is an excellent coach who will help guide you to your highest level of performance, regardless of whether you’re an absolute beginner or a more experienced, high-level competitor in your own right.
With a joke up every sleeve, Alan truly embodies Roark’s values of unwavering dedication, the constant pursuit of knowledge, and meaningful application of experience. Fitness is a lifelong journey, and a challenging one. With Alan, you may find it a little easier.
Hey! Did you know that we offer female-only classes as well? Want to become a better woman? Train at ROARK. We’re all about the ladies. Our female only group classes are designed to work the female form and we throw down in our women’s-only gym. You will sweat. You will smile. You will become a better woman and meet a bunch of wonderful women
New Year’s Resolutions. Some people live by ‘em, swearing at the start of each new year that… This year will be different. This year will be the one. This year, I’ll finally turn it around. New Ye
We won’t deny that there are certainly pros and cons to both mixed and separate gyms and at the end of the day it really all comes down to the individual and their needs. For us, the decision was quit
Three Key Concpets to Perfect your Deadlift – by James Owen The Deadlift is often thought of as the best all round exercise as it makes use of the entire lower body, core and posterior chain
New Year’s Resolutions. Some people live by ‘em, swearing at the start of each new year that… This year will be different. This year will be the one. This year, I’ll finally turn it around. New Year, new you, right?!